With Fathers Day right around the corner I can’t think of a better gift than the gift of time to my father. The gift is not one of materiality but the moments I get to spend with him. The laughters, the memories, the travels and invariably arguing on thoughts we don’t agree on. All together it is the precious time I spend with him that makes me cherish him as my father who has sheltered me from the ups and downs of this life and stood by my side unconditionally.
A great memory comes to mind. I remember as a child, each Monday, when he was off from work, he would pick me up from school and get me my favorite food from my favorite restaurant. It is truly the little gestures that make the most memorable of all moments. We would take the drive back home as I would sit in the back seat relishing the dal makhani and roomali roti from Bukhara in New Delhi. As I look back to his gestures, they are one filled with immense love of a father who unconditionally loves his child. One that will break all barriers to protect his children. Indeed, the moments of youth and adolescents are imbedded in great memories of my fathers love to me and the memories I will cherish till eternity.
Some of my favorite places on this Earth were first explored holding my Fathers hand. Creating life long memories of visiting Badrinath Dham in the Himalayas that today holds a monumental place in my heart and soul.
As a parent, we all strive to give more to our children than what we ever had. Or simply what we wished we could have done better. It would truly be an understatement for me to say that my Dad has done everything he could for his children. He has done beyond what he himself has experienced in his life so his children could experience better. He is a father that I wish every child would have. A man that would beat all odds to give his children life’s greatest of all experiences.
Today, All I am, I am because of my parents. My Father, who worked hard, but never failed to provide the best of all experiences and opportunities in any and all aspects of the life I have lived. He has unconditionally given my sister and me the experiences of this world so we could be better individuals. From traveling the world when we were young to activities and sports that would build us to be better individuals and to provide that loving environment with the entire extended family of my beloved grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. How could I ever ask for anything different than what I have been given in life and that my parents contributions, sacrifices for the best education, experience has been the corner stone of where life has brought me today and will in the future.
Thank you Papa for being you. There are no words enough for gratitude that I could utter that would even come close to all you have done for us and continue to do. If only I could be 1/10th of the Father you have been to us, I would consider my child to be lucky and blessed. You are the epitome of what a father should be and you are my inspiration to be a better son, as you were to your parents, a better brother as you are to your brothers and sisters, a better father as you are to your children and last but not least, an amazing husband to my mother. I learn from you each moment and the more the things change, the more they remain the same, holding onto those eternal values of dedication to family and ones kin.
So as I collect my thoughts on this Fathers Day, lucky to have you by my side in America, I ask my self what do you give a man that has been blessed with everything ? The answer is one that I believe we should ALL do. The gift of time. The continued moments spent together, making more memories and experiences that enrich his and my life and all those around us.
Happy Fathers Day to my Papa ❤️
With Love,
Your Son. Your Ram. Your Akshay.